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social responsibility

integrity management · bohi integrity

"the way of doing business well is being honest." integrity is the largest intangible asset of bohi industry and it is the foundation for us to settle down and get on with our pursuit and it is the source of our life.
bohi industry takes integrity as the basis of enterprise culture and it is committed to achieve value rationality and beliefs based on the same values of stakeholders. this integrity goes beyond the credit based on human nature and the credit based on the law and contract.
bohi industry was awarded as "the best credit customer in credit and loan" (shandong provincial banking association), faithful enterprise in shandong province, one of the ninth consumer satisfaction enterprises in shandong province and the national civilized and faithful demonstration unit, etc.
in 2010 and in 2015, the company was awarded twice as one of “the top 10 american soybean importers in china” and one of “the most loyal american soybean importers in china ” by american soybean association and united soybean board.

our case
